
NTN-SNR, a range of disc hubs with integrated wheel bearings

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Products


Did you know? Some vehicles, particularly Renault and PSA, use brake discs with integrated (biconical) bearings on the rear axle. 
This type of assembly, established by the manufacturer, results in significant weight savings since the disc becomes the wheel hub. It is equipped with a phonic wheel or a magnetic encoder (SNR ASB). This system makes mounting and disassembly easier.
NTN-SNR therefore offers a range of 33 brake disc kits with integrated bearings and covers 100% of applications
It should be remembered that the brake disc hub is a safety component. It is therefore essential to replace both brake disc hubs at the same time. It is also better to install new brake pads. See our video tutorial


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- Annecy - Distribuție industrială - Produse

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- Annecy - Distribuție industrială - Piețe

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