Please note that your statement and identity will remain strictly confidential. We will consider you with the whistleblower status as defined by Article 6 of French Law n°2016-1691 dated December 9,2016 (“so called “Sapin 2”). NTN Europe Ethics Commitee will give you an answer within 3 months following completion of this form.
Warning : you have the option to make an anonymous statement, however we do not recommend it, as we will not be able to call upon you to assist in the investigation if required.

Complainant identity

Suspect's informations

About the misconduct/improper activity

Processing of personal data

The personal data contained in the present form will be collected, processed and stored for the exclusive purpose of the processing of the alert by the companies of NTN Europe Group, in accordance with the NTN Europe Group Charter concerning personal data and applicable regulations on the protection of personal data. You have a right of access to your personal data and, where appropriate, rectification, limitation and deletion of such data. You may exercise these rights by contacting the data protection officer at the following address: . You can read our Privacy Policy

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