
NTN-SNR and TotalEnergies Join Forces for Mobility

- France - Corporate - Organisation

NTN-SNR et TotalEnergies s’engagent ensemble  pour la mobilité

NTN-SNR, a world leader in precision engineering, and TotalEnergies’ Lubricants department, a major player in the production and distribution of lubricants, are renewing their mutual commitment by signing several strategic partnerships in the mobility sector.

Based on a long-standing professional relationship, NTN-SNR and TotalEnergies’ Lubricant department are pooling specific expertise for the purpose of optimizing the lubrication of bearings developed to meet the challenges of new mobilities and reducing their carbon footprint.

Within the framework of this collaboration, experts from NTN-SNR and TotalEnergies’ Lubricant Division are working on various projects, developing solutions that are more reliable, more innovative and fully consistent with the new requirements of aircraft and automotive manufacturers.


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Total Energies

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- Annecy - Endüstriyel Dağıtım Ağı - Ürünler

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