
"Ma clé de 12" and SNR launch 9 videos: the result of a collaboration placed under the sign of automotive passion

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Events

"Ma clé de 12"

NTN wishes to simplify the daily life of garage owners by offering them the information they need. This is why the group has worked alongside "Ma clé de 12" team to offer new technical tutorials.
What is the programme for these videos? Sharing good practices for dismantling and assembling parts such as wheel bearings, sensors, transmissions, timing belts and accessories.
The choice of vehicles has not been left to chance: they are representative of the European car market.
A partnership has developed between two companies that have a passion for cars.
The main aim of the partnership is to pass on the best practise advice to garage owners and mechanical enthusiasts.
Discover the 9 technical tutorials very soon!

Watch the teaser

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