
EDEW 2024: NTN Europe multiplies its actions for professional inclusion

- Annecy - Corporate - Events


From 18th to 21st November, NTN Europe acted on its various sites in France for the European Disability Employment Week (EDEW). Through immersive workshops, meetings and concrete actions such as DuoDay, the company raised awareness among its employees and strengthened its commitment to the professional inclusion of people with disabilities.

The week's programme of activities

Immersive virtual reality experience

Employees were able to experience the daily lives of people with disabilities through immersive virtual reality workshops. These experiences enabled everyone to develop a new perspective on the day-to-day challenges faced by people with disabilities. The sessions were organized over 30-minute slots at several of our sites.

Discovering invisible disabilities

10-minute ‘What HealTH’ flash workshops gave employees the opportunity to gain a better understanding of invisible disabilities. Using ‘disability simulators’, they were able to immerse themselves in the reality of disabling illnesses, enhancing their understanding and awareness of these issues. It was a unique experience that gave them a real insight into the day-to-day challenges faced by those affected.


The highlight of the week, DuoDay, enabled around twenty employees to welcome people with disabilities to their workstations for a day. This exchange, orchestrated by ALGEEI in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, illustrates NTN Europe's commitment to making the world of work more inclusive.

This year's event saw a record 23 pairs set up, compared with 16 last year. The pairs were offered a variety of positions in production and support services.

An initiative in line with NTN Europe's values

The week reflected NTN Europe's commitment to greater social inclusion and diversity within its teams. By raising awareness among its employees and multiplying concrete initiatives, the company is reaffirming its desire to build a working environment that is accessible and fair to all.


Learn more about our social commitments

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- Espagne - Industria distribuzione - Eventi

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- Annecy - Industria distribuzione - Servizi

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