
New ball screw configurator

- Germany - Industry distribution - Services


NTN's new online tool enables efficient selection of ball screws, offering considerable advantages in type code generation and identification of competition products. 
The interface has been designed to make the user experience as simple as possible. Users can access product information by clicking on a link to the relevant product catalogue, accompanied by a full text description. A preview and CAD files of configured products can be downloaded in the required format.   
Another advantage is the product equivalence search, which can be performed by entering the brand, nominal diameter and pitch. The competitor's product code can also be used. It is also possible to perform a mass configuration by downloading an Excel spreadsheet containing competing products. 

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NTN расширяет ассортимент продукции для грузовых автомобилей за счет подшипников ступиц колес!

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Рынки

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- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Продукция

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