
NTN Europe inaugurates its first secure bike station

- Annecy - Corporate - Events


On 22 November 2024, NTN Europe, in partnership with ArchParc, inaugurated its first secure bike station at the Arch&Go mobility hub in Archamps, near Geneva. This innovation marks a major step forward in NTN Europe's commitment to soft and sustainable mobility, while reinforcing the infrastructure needed for the transition to more responsible modes of transport.

A solution designed for users

The secure bike station allows users to park their bikes in complete safety in individual spaces protected by access control. Thanks to a dedicated application, they can reserve their space in advance, guaranteeing its availability.

Compact and modular, the station fits easily into public spaces and offers additional services such as recharging for electric bikes, repair tools and secure lockers.

A step towards more sustainable mobility

Located at the heart of a hub dedicated to alternatives to car use, this station is fully in line with the drive to encourage more environmentally-friendly modes of transport.

The secure bike station contributes to intermodality by offering cyclists a suitable, secure and connected space, while at the same time meeting the challenge of combating bicycle theft.

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