
NTN is a partner of the Raid 4L Trophy

- Annecy - Corporate - Events

NTN is a partner of the Raid 4L Trophy

From 16 to 26 February, the 26th edition of Europe's largest charity rally raid dedicated to 18-28 year olds will cross Spain and Morocco. 1500 crews will cover more than 6,000 km riding the iconic Renault 4Ls, venturing as far as the dunes of the Sahara.

The objective is to bring school and sports supplies to the most disadvantaged children in Morocco, in partnership with non-profit organisation Enfants du Désert.

This year, we are supporting two crews:
Le Polycrew: Dorian Caullireau and Clément Massit, two students from Polytech Annecy-Chambéry
Ride4Human: Florian Gros, work-study student at NTN, and his teammate Robin Berthet, one other student.

We provided them with bearings and parts to equip their 4L, and NTN employees volunteered to gather school supplies.

We wish both crews good luck in this great adventure!


- Annecy - Промышленное распределение - Продукция

Промышленные компании ищут решения для сокращения времени простоя, минимизации затрат на обслуживание и продления срока службы своего оборудования. Чтобы удовлетворить эти потребности, NTN Europe предлагает технологию LUBSOLID™ - твердую смазку, заполняющую все свободное пространство подшипника. Внем… Read more

NTN расширяет ассортимент продукции для грузовых автомобилей за счет подшипников ступиц колес!

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Рынки

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