
Challenging Stereotypes: skills are not defined by gender!

- Annecy - Corporate - Events


Despite progress, gender stereotypes still linger in the workplace, and unfortunately, our industry is not exempt from this issue. At NTN, we firmly believe in acknowledging individuals for their skills, expertise, and passion, irrespective of their gender.

That's why, in the coming weeks, we'll be dismantling these biases by celebrating the diversity within our sector and sharing inspiring stories from our company. 

To kick things off, on this International Women's Rights Day, we want to express gratitude and showcase the achievements of our women colleagues who have chosen careers in a sector often perceived as male-dominated.
From research and manufacturing to marketing, quality, and management, many of these women are demonstrating their rightful place in the industry.

See you next week! 


- Annecy - Industry distribution - Products

Industrial companies are looking for solutions to reduce downtime, minimise maintenance costs and extend the life of their equipment. To meet these needs, NTN Europe offers LUBSOLID™ technology a solid lubricant, filling the entire free space of the bearing. It stores a large quantity of oil that is… Read more

Foundation stone laid for NTN Europe's new head office

- Annecy - Corporate - Events

On 10th July, NTN Europe marked an important milestone in the modernisation of its historic site in Annecy with the laying of the foundation stone for its new head office and technical centre. The project, part of a global strategy of innovation and sustainable development, represents a major investment in… Read more