rooted in
our company

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) therefore plays a central role in our governance. Our CSR approach is based on 5 pillars that cover all areas of the company and enable us to achieve concrete objectives.

Aware of the impact of the accelerating pace of change in our society, we want to make a commitment to both environmental and social issues.

Nos axes stratégiques environnementaux

Environmental issues


Six out of nine planetary limits were exceeded. Climate change, biodiversity erosion, freshwater consumption, introduction of new substances, disruption of the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles and changes in land use.

Our company has a role to play in combating these global disturbances. We do this by focusing on our 5 strategic areas of Environment/Energy: to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, energy consumption and atmospheric emissions, and reduce and recycle our waste






Déchets valorisés


émission de gaz à effet de serre


Eau consommée

These figures correspond to our 2022 results. For more details on these results, see the DPEF

Social issues


Our society also needs social foundations that guarantee a dignified and fulfilled life, such as income from work, health, gender equality, inclusion, and respect for human rights. We help to guarantee these foundations throughout our company by ensuring training, health, and safety, and more broadly a quality of life at work, inclusion, non-discrimination and respect for human rights throughout our supply chain.

Score à l'index égalité Femmes-Hommes

Intégration des personnes en situation de handicap

60 personnes intégrées dans nos écoles internes de formation LEARN

These figures correspond to our 2022 results. For more details on these results, see the DPEF

Parties prenantes

To ensure the long-term future of our company in an ever-changing world, we need to satisfy not only the expectations of our shareholders, but also the expectations of all our stakeholders: our employees, our customers, our suppliers, our work-study students, our partners, the local communities, etc

Listening to our customers and their next strategic moves ensures the long-term future of our business, listening to our employees ensures their commitment and loyalty, listening to our suppliers ensures long-term relationships and listening to local communities attracts future talent.


Our company purpose "MAKE THE WORLD NAMERAKA"


The Japanese term "Nameraka" echoes our membership of the NTN Corporation. 
It signifies the absence of friction between mechanical components and characterises our identity as designers, producers and suppliers of bearings
, whose primary objective is to transmit movement with precision, reliability, fluidity and efficiency, thereby helping to combat climate change through their energy efficiency. 

It also signifies the absence of friction more widely in society and evokes our vision of the world, of our company and our relationships with our stakeholders, based on harmony, fluidity and respect.
"We make the world Nameraka" defines what NTN Europe brings to the world, its positive sides, while limiting its impacts, its negative sides.
Fluidity of movement for a sustainable, harmonious world. This is our company purpose, what unites us, what we bring to the world and what gives meaning to our work: contributing to a more fluid, mobile and harmonious society, based on a more efficient use of energy.




As designers, producers, and suppliers of bearings, we are helping to combat climate change through the energy efficiency of our products.We are also working towards this goal by setting out our targets for carbon neutrality.


CO2 emission reduction targets

Neutralité carbone

  • For scopes 1 and 2, carbon emissions from our sites and our electricity producers, the aim is to achieve a 50% reduction by 2030 and a 90% reduction by 2035. (compared to 2018)
  • For scope 3, carbon emissions from our suppliers and transport, the aim is to achieve a 15% reduction by 2030 and a 90% reduction by 2050. (compared to 2018)
Note Ecovadis

CSR is directly integrated into corporate strategy and governance.

From the companies, company purpose, through its strategic plan, to its carbon neutrality plan, this CSR approach cuts across all areas and activities of the company. CSR is everybody's business!

Every year, we continue to make progress. With a rate of 77% in 2023 according to ECOVADIS, the global standard for CSR assessments, we are among the top 1% of companies (Gold rating).

Our social and environmental results are the subject of an annual declaration of extra-financial performance audited by Ernst & Young.

Dominique Lavilla

To ensure the long-term future of our company and the sustainability of our activities, we need to satisfy the expectations of all our stakeholders. We also have a responsibility to society, helping to combat global warming, preserving all natural resources, promoting diversity and inclusion, and ensuring respect for human rights throughout our supply chain. 
We have firmly established this responsibility by stating our raison d'être: "We make the world Nameraka". It is what unites us, what gives meaning to our work: contributing to a more fluid, mobile and harmonious society, based on a more efficient use of energy. 

Dominique Lavilla - Managing Director NTN Europe

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